Sunday 6 August 2017

Water Lilies

Water lilies grow widely across India, and have a nutritional value that many are unaware of, says ecologists.  “Where water lilies grow wild, like in Bengal after the monsoon, people prefer to eat the peduncle (flower stalk),” she says. “Both red and white varieties are eaten: to prep, peel the stalk and cut into 2-inch pieces. This can be batter-fried like pakoda. If very fresh, boil it with a little bit of water and a pinch of salt and turmeric till cooked. Temper mustard oil, mustard seeds and green chilli, add the stalk, adjust salt, and finish with fresh grated coconut. Another way of cooking them is to temper 1 tbsp ginger, radhuni (Trachyspermum roxburghianum) and mustard paste, green chilli, salt and a pinch of sugar and add the stalks.”
Pick it right: Source them from farmer’s markets and try to ensure that they are from a clean water source.

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