Saturday 20 May 2017

Dondakaya ( Kundru ) (Ivy gourd) (Coccinia grandis)

Ivy gourd fruit is a smooth, green, striped, ovoid to ellipsoid berry. The tender shoots of the plant are sometimes consumed as vegetable too. The fruit is nutritious and a good source of protein, calcium, fibre and vitamins B and A.

In traditional medicines, such as Ayurveda, the leaves of the plant are used to control blood sugar. The leaves are also used as a household remedy for various diseases, including biliary disorders, anorexia, cough, diabetic wounds and hepatic disorders.

The leaf extract helps in reducing insect bite itching and swelling.  The leaf extract has been found useful in wound-healing and researchers have observed that the extract protects the human fibroblasts and keratinocytes from damage caused by hydrogen peroxide. 

The fruit is useful to treat cancer, too. Cucurbitacin B found in the fruits can act as anti-proliferative agent for breast cancer cells. The best part of the vegetable is that it is easy to cultivate. The vines continue to fruit for four-five years and can be harvested in about 70 days after planting. In south and central India, fruiting is round the year, while in north India, fruiting terminates when the temperature comes down in November. Since it grows easily, this underexploited semi-perennial creeper is often termed as poor man’s vegetable. 

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