Wednesday 18 July 2018

Vakkayalu chatni

How to make chatni ?
ingradients :
vakkayalu 500 grams, salt 50 grams, mirchi powder 100 grams, turmeric  one tea spoon, cumin seeds 1 tea spoon, methi powder 1 tea spoon , oil 100 grams

Wash  the vakkyalu  and dry them with cloth. in the frying pan put some oil. let it heated.   Add the cumin seeds, methi power and put all the vakkayalu in it.    see it that the vakkyalu got heated/semi boiled. 
Then stop the stove.   Let the vakkayalu cooled in the  frying pan .  Later on put it mixer and grind it , to become paste.   

Then vakkayalu chatni is ready 

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